Ukraine Flag

Ukraine Flag

Saturday, July 18, 2015

7 Weeks until I leave for Ukraine

Time is winding down, I'm getting stoked and preparations are being made. Only 7 weeks until I leave Alaska, visit Houston Texas for a few days then hop on a plane to Eastern Europe for the next several months.

When I tell people about my plans they always stop, give me a quizzical look and question "Ukraine?". Yes. Ukraine. They then reply "....but why? why Ukraine?" my answer? WHY NOT?

Yes I am aware of the recent goings-on. Yes im aware that Kyiv was in the middle of a crisis recently and that Donetsk was badly attacked this last year. Yes im aware that its a country that appears to be struggling. No, I am absolutely not worried about it one bit. Not because I am ignorant or am choosing to turn a blind eye, but because things really are ok over there.

I am going to be teaching English to children between the ages of 5 and 15 and I could not be any more excited about it. I love kids. I will be living with a host family; all the while learning about Ukrainian/Russian culture, food, language and more. I will be living in the heart of one of the most beautiful European cities out there. Sure it has seen its share of heartache, but what major European city hasent?

While there I will be able to attend operas, go to professional football (soccer...) games, explores castles and mosques and cathedrals, eat beet soup, drink cups of delicous european chocolate and so much more. I will have the opportunity to travel to some of the most beautiful places in the world such as Budapest and Prauge. Why would I pass this opportunity up?

I will be going on this adventure through ILP (International Language Program) and I could not be more excited about my involvement with this program! Ill of course be keeping you guys updated all the while throughout my many adventures.

Kyiv Ukraine

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